Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Flowers for sale

Hello All, I am really late at getting this out since I have been so busy trying to get things in order for my reception. I am involved in Relay for Life again this year in Lynden. Last year was my first year and I had such a good time I am doing it this year even though it is the week before my reception. It is such a good cause and so many people around all of our lives have been affected by cancer so to help do something about it is quite the experience. For a fund raiser we are selling these flower hanging boxes. Each year we try to raise a certain amount of money to donate and we try to come up with different fund raisers. If you would be interested in buying one of these hanging baskets or donating please let me know. The proceeds go to such a great cause. Thank you so much!!

Farm Visit

In the last two weeks I have been busy with farm life. First Matt and I welcomed little Wesley our newborn calf at out house. I looked out the window and there was nothing then about an hour later I looked again and there he was. This is within a few hours of him being born. He is already really entertaining, he runs all over the field at sun down.

My next adventure was with a few of my girlfriends. I happen to have my niece and nephew that day so Anne & Sarah and Jenny & Jalyn along with Ann's cousin and her two girls decided we would meet for a McDonald's and Farm Day. We met at McDonald's for lunch at 11 to make sure that the kids would be full and ready for play time. I had called my in laws to make sure that it would work for them that we all came over and they were great. My father in law had a calf on a halter so they could lead a calf like a dog, my nephew thought that was great.

We had 4 girls all around the age of 2 so we were busy chasing them. Luckily we had the help of my Mother in Law to chase my niece since she is fearless and walks up to any of the cows. I was busy with Sarah climbing to the top of the hay mound since she wanted to make it to where ever the dogs were. Sarah also has no fear and loved to jump off everything. All the kids let the cows lick them and I even made the parents put there hand in a calf's mouth. We had so much fun with all the kids so Thank you to the Kortus farm for letting us all come visit.
My friend Loralei has been saying for quite sometime that she needed to go to a farm since she had never been to one before. To prepare her I took her to get some new boots to be styling at the farm and we caught Wesley so she could touch a cow first. On Monday Matt decided it would be the perfect day to take her to his parents. So we put on the boots and headed out the door. I am not sure what she thought the whole time since she was kind of quiet but she also put her hand in the mouth of a calf and even pet a few cows. She got daring enough that she even leaned down and pulled on a teat to try and get milk out of it. She took a cow wiping it's snot on her like a champ and did good till we had to run from a cow poohing. I am pretty sure she is ready for anything now.

Museum of Flight

Last Saturday Matt had this great surprise date for me. He told me how I needed to dress, which for me he knows me enough to say layers and comfortable shoes. The alarm went off at 7am which I was sleeping like a log since I have been so tired lately but I got up and ready and we were off. I only knew we had to drive a couple hours and then would be there. Here we are ready to leave that morning.

Off we went headed south. Things were going good when at about 8am Matt gets a phone call from work asking if he could come in. He lets them know we are headed south and tries to see if he can come in later or the next day. We end up having to take the exit where you head to Anacortes and have to wait for him to make a couple phone calls and see if we need to turn back or not. After another half hour goes by we find out he can keep heading south so we are on our way again. We made it out of Mt Vernon and were just to where it goes to 3 lanes and 70mph when we thought some crazy car was going to pass us only to realize we needed to shoot across a lane and get to the side of the freeway with a blown tire. Of course it was the driver's side back tire and we were right next to a guardrail so we could pull off the freeway anymore. It was a little scary when the semis went by.

Matt changing the flat tire and putting on the spare. He had no clue I was taking pictures of him at the same time. After the tire got changed and we were headed to Les Schwab he wasn't sure he wanted to keep going since we had already had a couple set backs. After telling him that this is life and we can laugh at it later he had a smile on his face and we headed on. Once we made it through Seattle I did guess where we were going and it was the Museum of Flight. They had all kinds of things going on since it was the long weekend. Matt and I both love airplanes so I knew it would be a fun day.

We walked around and looked at the airplanes and toured whatever planes were open to tour including the old Air Force One.

We even took the opportunity to go into two different flight simulators since neither of us have even done that before. I saw the name of the "Big Stud" and had to take Matt's picture. We had such a great day. On our way home we called up my friend Heather who lives in Mt Vernon and met her at Red Robin for dinner.

Thank you Matt for a great day!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Save the Date

As most of you know, Matt and my reception is coming up. We are working on something special for the invite so you may not get them till 4-6weeks in advance. I thought I would just let everyone know what the date is so you could mark it on your calenders. June 26 is the date and it won't start till 7p except for our immediate family, you all will be needed before that. It's going to be a dessert reception so plan on eating your dinner before you arrive. If anyone wants to help out on making some kind of dessert I am open to any one's help. I am not the baking type so I am asking for handouts this time. Hopefully you all can make it!!

ACM's in Las Vegas

Okay so I am a little behind on blogging right now. I was trying to keep things in order so I was waiting to download pics and realized my camera had a dead battery and somehow I lost the charger and had to wait for the new one to show up. On that note, the first weekend of April I took my friend Loralei on her first Vegas visit. We got tickets last September for the Academy of Country Music Awards show. I have been to it before so I know how much fun it is but it was Loralei's first time even to Vegas. The night we got there they were having free country concerts on Freemont St so we of course took advantage of that. We had quite the blast checking out all the people walking by and looking at all the great jeans:) Loralei and I both love jeans so it's kind of our thing to check out. My friend Tory and her fiance Eric met us down on Freemont so I could get my quick once a year visit in with them. It is always great to see them. We actually went back to our hotel before all the concerts were done since we were up early and starting to get a headache. We were both not to into going to the club scene so we spent our days just going into the different hotels and looking at the tourist stuff which was fun. We went down to the mall and did a little shopping to see if we could find something great to wear for the show. It didn't quite work out but we were still feeling good for the main event. The show is hosted by Reba every year and usually has quite a few entertainers. It's like going to a concert with all the top hits playing. We had a great time and I am pretty sure we both put dibs on tickets for next year.

By the way, Loralei was feeling good since we gave her Lynden hair!!