We spent the day laying out and arrived into port at San Juan around 5p. We were to leave at 12a. My mom and Jalani were off for a evening of kayaking so that left the rest of us not really knowing what we were going to do but we were excited for whatever the day was going to bring. I was actually surprised at how many high rises there were in San Juan. It was a fun place to tour around for the day but not the first place I would choose to go back to.

Here's some of the group waiting for them to give us permission to get off the ship. It was fun to watch us pull into the ports.

We are ready to head off the boat. We have decided at this point that we are going to go to a place called the fortress. It's a fort that goes down the one side of the island. We were going to have to walk to it but once we were there it had awesome views of the water and the island. You could see the cruise ship from one side of it. Rob decided since there were all sorts of signs when you come off the boat that had names of tours and taxis that we would be "team pink". Rob of course was wearing a pink shirt but was the leader.

Matt and Angela modeling the sign of where we were headed to!!

The family

The boys hanging out at one of the spots that had a great view of the water. Though it was a little scary since there was nothing blocking you from falling into the water from there. After touring the fortress we decided to check out the shops around town and then meet up at Senior Frogs for dinner and drinks.

Everyone got a "yard" drink and then we all had to take turns of taking our picture in front of them all. We headed back to the ship after dinner but not before some of us ladies decided we needed the temporary tattoo.

Loralei's tattoo

My tattoo, it's hard to see but it has a flower with a MK on the bottom since it is Matt's initials and it was soon to be mine.